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Rokeby Farms Whole Protein Dutch Chocolate Breakfast Smoothie

Rokeby Farms Whole Protein Dutch Chocolate Breakfast Smoothie


Rather bland, with a somewhat artificial bent to the sweetness (though it does not contain artificial sweeteners). Otherwise, it's fairly bland and unobtrusive, does a nice job of hiding the fortification (tastewise), but could use some salt to add another needed flavor dimension.

Taste Ratings:

Color Hue Viscosity Texture Chalk Cocoa Cream Sweet Salt Overall
light..dark gray..brown thin..thick smooth..grain low..high low..high low..high low..high low..high poor..great
4.5 4.0 5.5 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.5 3.5 2.0 3.5

Purchase Info:

Location Store Unit(s) Price
Singapore Cold Storage 425mL plastic SGD 4.95
[USD 3.74]

Nutrition Facts (per 100mL):

Sat. Fat
Calcium (mg)
70 1.5 1.1 6.9 6.2 N/A 7.0 0.02 196


Filtered lowfat milk, whole milk, cane sugar, dutch cocoa (1%), natural flavor, lactase enzyme, carrageenan.

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