Sweet, milky, and under-chocolaty, but rather pleasant, and decently natural feeling for a shelf-stable, boxed item. It won’t light your tastebuds on fire, but it also won’t be the last thing you reach for in the fridge (or even off the shelf).
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Sweet, milky, and under-chocolaty, but rather pleasant, and decently natural feeling for a shelf-stable, boxed item. It won’t light your tastebuds on fire, but it also won’t be the last thing you reach for in the fridge (or even off the shelf).
Definitely sweet and flavored— but what that ‘flavor’ is, is a bit of a mystery. It doesn’t venture confidently into the chocolate realm, but it's more of a fake-vanilla with a touch of malt.
Rather bland, with a somewhat artificial bent to the sweetness (though it does not contain artificial sweeteners). Otherwise, it's fairly bland and unobtrusive, does a nice job of hiding the fortification (tastewise), but could use some salt to add another needed flavor dimension.
Super thin and smooth, just like the boxed version, and a little less bland, though far from overpoweringly flavorful. It does carry a much more noticeable salt quality, which amplifies the cream and creates a stronger overall experience.
Record-scratchingly bland— it’s sporting ‘business casual’ to a Halloween rave. Nothing is offensive here, just rather pointless— especially if you’re expecting flavor in proportion to the chocolate chunks that abound on the package.
Noticeable amount of substrate suspended in the milk, and a fermented/rummy odor and flavor. The past-due date is still in the future, but it’s hard to believe after tasting it. Eek. I will caveat my score with the fact that I believe this entire 6-pack to be fermented. Pretty raw deal for $7.