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Mizo Kakao Light Laktozmentes

Mizo Kakao Light Laktozmentes


Palate-destroyingly sweet, and if you can persevere through the onslaught, you will find that your efforts were in vain; there’s nothing else behind it. The flavor isn’t ‘bad’ per se, it’s just rather pointless with something this sweet (artificial or not). I think people are more willing to accept a less-sweet ‘Light’ product— it should’t be amped up with artificial sweeteners to make someone feel that they’re having something indulgent.

Taste Ratings:

Color Hue Viscosity Texture Chalk Cocoa Cream Sweet Salt Overall
light..dark gray..brown thin..thick smooth..grain low..high low..high low..high low..high low..high poor..great
7.0 4.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 3.5 1.5

Purchase Info:

Location Store Unit(s) Price
Budapest, Hungary Spar 450mL plastic HUF 249.00
[USD 0.97]

Nutrition Facts (per 100mL):

Sat. Fat
Calcium (mg)
35 0.0 0.0 4.8 4.6 0.7 3.2 0.10 N/A


Skim milk, low fat cocoa powder (1.4%), sweeteners [cyclamate, saccharin], flavor, thickeners [cellulose, cellulose gum], acidity regulator [sodium phosphate], lactase enzyme.

Product of Hungary

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Mizo Kakao (Low Fat)

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