Chocolaty, creamy, a bit on the thick side, but ultimately delicious. I enjoyed the plastic bottle version better than the glass bottle version, but I have not had them side-by-side. Either way, you won’t be disappointed.
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Chocolaty, creamy, a bit on the thick side, but ultimately delicious. I enjoyed the plastic bottle version better than the glass bottle version, but I have not had them side-by-side. Either way, you won’t be disappointed.
Powdery texture veiled in a light (but sweet) caramel flavor. That actually reads better than it drinks.
Dark, bold, mature cocoa flavor that is drinkable through the wondrous confluence of science and agriculture. It’s the perfect size (4.5oz / 135mL) for something so indulgent, in that it not only prevents over exposure, but it forces one to drink it slowly and truly appreciate the experience. The future of chocolate milk for adults, and perhaps the future of dessert itself.
A searing sweetness pierces through the formidable chocolate flavor, and ultimately sets the back of your throat ablaze with small, sugary lightning bolts. It still tastes ‘good’ but is a bit gluttonous with the ‘sweet’ lever. Avoid if you’re prone to diabetic shock.
Absolutely NAILS the ‘not terribly thick’ to ‘impossibly creamy’ ratio— I’ve already put down two glasses before writing the first word. There’s a blissfully buttery aspect to the cream flavor, and the cocoa it supports is prominently featured and delicious.
Strongly sour cocoa taste that doesn't apologize for its boldness-- nor should it. There is a bit of chalk along for the ride, and it slightly impacts the otherwise creamy medium, but overall, it’s a deliciously quick way to add 310 calories to your daily ledger.
Sweetish, averagely smooth and creamy, and a pretty straight-forward cocoa flavor. All components come together well enough to crest the good side of the bell curve.
Very well balanced and highly drinkable. Not weighed down with excess sugar or that ‘thickened’ feel— a pleasant addition to any grocery order or BYOB gathering.
Surprisingly chocolaty and well-balanced, with plenty-but-not-too-much sweetness and a creaminess that outperforms its fat content. A definite ‘must try' for the lactose averse fans of chocolate milk— or really anyone for that matter.
Pleasantly flavorful chocolate milk highlighted by a noticeable salty snap that maintains your interest throughout. Texture-wise, it’s smooth and unobtrusive; overall a solid lowfat private label find.
Slightly earthy, and otherwise exceedingly average in all respects. It certainly doesn't stand out in a flight of chocolate milks, but occasionally there’s something to be said for getting exactly what you expect.
Syrupy sweetness that bleeds into the texture as well, morphing it into a sticky, sugary concoction that should reside closer to the candy aisle than the dairy case.
Much more ‘milky’ feeling than the low fat (lactose-containing) version. The flavor is also much more in line with what you would expect and likely prefer— amply chocolaty with a kiss of malt.
‘Chalky’ can still be ‘milky’— but not in this case. It feels a bit unnatural, and carries a fortified undertone throughout. It’s more watery than creamy, and its best feature is that it’s not abjectly awful tasting.
Richly chocolaty in a mature, slightly under-sweet way. The strong cocoa is delivered through a chalky, yet still milky-feeling medium that does its job well. This wouldn’t look out of place in glass— be it on a supermarket shelf, or stemware at home.
Awesomely chocolaty, supported well by all other factors that clearly understand their place in the hierarchy. Worthy of the ‘deluxe’ billing, it wields a dessert-like indulgence, in spite of remarkably low monetary and caloric investments.
Well-executed chocolate malt flavor that goes down with blissful facility. It satisfies without being clingy in the afterglow.
Well-executed chocolate malt flavor that goes down with blissful facility. It satisfies without being clingy in the afterglow.
Simple cocoa taste paired with a light sweetness that does well to limit its foreground exposure. A slight sense of ‘powder’ haunts the texture, conjuring industrial imagery rather than the idyllic farmlands we hold in reverie.
Labelling this as ‘chocolate' is a definite stretch. It tastes more like a bland latte that sat in a paper cup for 48 hours. Sadly, I’ve had that experience, and am forced to relive it here.