All tagged High Calcium

Hope Eco-Farms Chocolate Milk From Grassfed Sheep

Powerful blast of flavor— cocoa, cream, and a salty butteriness that will cause your tongue to weep: emitting tears more closely associated with joy than sorrow. There’s no goaty twang, but an undeniably unique quality that is both fun and interesting. Once the liquid is gone, you have a drying chalkiness that isn’t terribly off-putting because the tasty flavor lingers alongside. A must-try for fans of chocolate milk!

Hershey's Leche Sabor a Chocolate

Nothing like the Hershey’s I’ve had elsewhere— this is cloyingly sweet in a fruity way and has a disturbingly plastic-like texture. The signature Hershey’s cocoa flavor is entirely absent, and the aftertaste is reminiscent of garage sweepings. After 4 or 5 sips I’m left disoriented, and dangerously close to rinsing my mouth out with the equally noxious Mexico City tap water.

Hershey's Leche Tropichoco

Definitely contains coconut flavor (not specifically called out on the label), which slaked my curiosity for what “Tropichoco” might be, and that gives the drink just enough direction to feel like an improvement over the previous Mexican Hershey’s boxed products. It shares the same cloying sweetness and contrived texture, but at least delivers on its (ambiguous) claim of difference.

Lactel Sporteus Chocolat

Sticky, syrupy feel that is at least congruent with its heavy-handed sweetness. There's definitely chocolate involved (and it doesn't taste bad to be sure), but it’s drowned out in sugariness and feels like you’re drinking candy and not something of animal derivative.

Acti-Shake Chocolate

Super starchy feel and a faux-sweetened wheatish taste. You could do a lot worse, but also a lot better with much less effort. Very little chocolate flavor— but if you like that ‘proteiny’ feel, have a go.

Tine YT Melk Og Kakao

Tastes and feels exactly like a protein drink, which won't win any flavor contests. Vitamin-y taste and dense, slightly syrupy texture— I feel like I’ve had this same product many times from various different packages.