Unnecessarily thick and has an acidic quality to the flavor that doesn’t pair well with cocoa in this instance. It’s starchy, and doesn’t taste nearly as nice as some of the Lactel concoctions I’ve had in the past.
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Unnecessarily thick and has an acidic quality to the flavor that doesn’t pair well with cocoa in this instance. It’s starchy, and doesn’t taste nearly as nice as some of the Lactel concoctions I’ve had in the past.
Mmm… chocolate gravy. It leaves a warming sensation in your mouth post-swallow, which, when paired with thickness and lack of salt, it’s a pretty rough experience.
Coarsely chocolaty— the kind that makes you feel like you’ve got a lovely cocoa film on your teeth. The strong chocolate flavor meshes well with its under-sweet base, providing a jolt of flavor that ends with a satisfyingly natural (yet slightly drying) aftertaste. Don’t be fooled by the cutesy package, this is an adult beverage.
Good pop of flavor all around— just held back a bit by a powdery quality to the texture that remains in the mouth after each swallow. A smoother, milkier experience would make a world of difference.
Chocolaty and a bit sour-- which are its best aspects. The texture feels starchy, as though it’s trying to forge the creaminess that it lacks.
Sticky, syrupy feel that is at least congruent with its heavy-handed sweetness. There's definitely chocolate involved (and it doesn't taste bad to be sure), but it’s drowned out in sugariness and feels like you’re drinking candy and not something of animal derivative.
Brilliantly brown-reddish, quite chocolaty, but also quite chalky. I love the cocoa flavor and how it is the true star of the show here, but there's something about the texture that takes me out of the experience, as it’s too thick/starchy/chalky and not ‘milky' feeling enough to propel it into the upper echelon.
Creamy, flavorful, and even has a momentary velvety feel, which you may not get through the straw. There's a chalkiness that isn't off putting either-- it seems to serve as more of a confirmation that there’s a microscopic flavorful bit in each sip.
Possibly the thickest thing I’ve ever tried to drink. It’s truly like pudding and would be better served in a dish with a spoon. The flavor is not bad at all— it’s very sweet and chocolaty and has an indulgent quality to it-- but as a ‘drink’— I think most people would gag at the viscosity.
Why do I even bother with these? There's no sweetness, no chocolate, no reason to drink this at all. It’s super thick, and akin to drinking oatmeal without the solid bits.
Thick and dense, especially for a boxed drink, but also sweet and plenty chocolaty. It’s creamy, but not overly ‘milky’— it feels a little heavy for milk, and the flavor is akin to chocolate candy, albeit good chocolate candy.
Nicely chocolaty with nothing else (texture or flavor-wise) that detracts materially from the experience. The sweetness plays its supporting role rather well, enhancing the cocoa flavor rather than overpowering it.
Strong cocoa flavor, paired with more-than-ample sweetness and cream to create an indulgent-feeling chocolaty boisson. The texture is a tad on the starchy-feeling side, but overall it’s a very flavorful experience that far exceeds the UHT version.
Inauthentic oily/watery texture is its biggest drawback. The flavor is decently sweet and chocolaty, but is whisked away too quickly by the unnatural medium in which it is contained.
Rich, coffee brown in color, super dense feel, and a sweet, unoffensive melted caramel flavor that is milder than you may initially expect. It’s similar in feel and taste to sweetened condensed milk, and does well to hide much of the fortification contained therein.
On the chalky side, but probably a result of the stronger than average cocoa flavor— perhaps an homage to Lactel Bio Chocolat Gourmand. Great choice from a flavor standpoint whether you require a lactose free chocolate milk or not.
Albino/gray milk with nary a hint of sugar, cocoa, or anything else that might taste good. If you’ve ever opened a cup-of-soup envelope and inhaled some of the dust that emanates forth— there's a tiny bit of that sensation in the flavor. Writing anything more would require taking another sip, so I’ll stop here.
Similar to the (non-organic) canned version in that it’s super thin, smooth, and primarily sweet with a somewhat skunky cocoa flavor playing second fiddle. It’s less pronounced in this version, but the watery base nudges this more toward the realm of ‘choco drink’ than ‘chocolate milk.’
Different only in appearance compared with the 1L plastic bottle version. It’s simple, but pleasant— with cocoa as the prevailing characteristic. There’s a nice simplicity to it.
Sweet and earthy— not my preferred framing of a chocolate milk. It feels inauthentic as a result, and might have you checking if milk is the first ingredient (or if this is one of those water-based chocolate ‘drinks’).