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Cserpes Sajtmuhely Laktozmentes Csokolades Tej

Cserpes Sajtmuhely Laktozmentes Csokolades Tej


Perfectly nails the low viscosity / high creaminess ratio that so many others flub up in either direction. Unfortunately, they opted to go the no sugar added route (sweetened with stevia) which commands too much attention. This product has immense potential if only it would choose sugar as the sweetener. If I try hard enough, I can convince myself that I can taste the cardamom that it contains, though it's far from obvious.

Taste Ratings:

Color Hue Viscosity Texture Chalk Cocoa Cream Sweet Salt Overall
light..dark gray..brown thin..thick smooth..grain low..high low..high low..high low..high low..high poor..great
4.0 4.0 2.0 5.5 4.5 5.0 10.0 2.5 4.5 6.5

Purchase Info:

Location Store Unit(s) Price
Budapest, Hungary CBA Prima Millenium 500mL glass HUF 419.00
[USD 1.63]

Nutriton Facts (per 100mL):

Sat. Fat
Calcium (mg)
80 4.1 2.6 6.0 3.5 1.7 3.8 0.16 N/A


Whole milk (4.1% milk fat), cocoa paste (1.5%), cocoa powder (1%), sweetener [steviol glycoside], lactase enzyme, natural vanilla extract, cardamom.

Featured In:

Product of Hungary

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