All tagged 6.5

Umpqua Dairy Chocolate Milk

Marked by a syrupy girth that delivers a sweet and familiar cocoa flavor (Hershey's?). Its full-fat base does well to sustain the experience but in the end feels a bit forced, especially when compared to a creamline chocolate milk. If you like sweet, beefy, and sticky, you could do much worse than this.

Mississippi State University Chocolate Milk

Its relatively light complexion accurately suggests a lighter cocoa presence-- creating a flavor void that is filled with a powerful (not quite 'searing') sweetness that eventually gives way to a chocolate note on the way out. It's still an enjoyable way to spend a couple minutes and a few hundred calories, but I'm left longing for a stronger cocoa flavor and more equitable sweet/salty balance.

HEB Organics Reduced Fat Chocolate Milk

Appropriate salty/sweet balance for a more adult, sourish, mature(ish) cocoa flavor-- which seems to be standard across many private label 2% organic chocolate milks. Sure, there's a cooked milk flavor from the ultra-pasteurization, sure that kills the 'soul' of the chocolate milk-- but the rest of it is decent enough to satisfy in a pinch, or even feature as the 'indulgent' portion of an unremarkable bagged lunch.

Hidden Acres Dairy Chocolate Milk

Beautiful coffee-brown coloration with what I swear is a maple-syrup-esque flavor that is tasty, unique, and somewhat...distracting perhaps? I'm enjoying the novelty and drinking experience, but am having difficulty locating the cocoa flavor and there's a bit of a lack of depth as a result. That said, I'm happy to drink more in search of something more tangible.

Galliker's Whole Chocolate Milk

Sweet and flavorful upfront-- but the longer you go into the aftertaste, you realize how much of the flavor relies on the 'sweet.' It's got a syrupy finish that trumps whatever cream component you might get from it being whole milk. It satisfies in short bursts, but doesn't have the staying power to be make the trip worthwhile.

Sprouts Farmers Market Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Solid lowfat chocolate milk experience here. The texture is relatively thin and lithe, which feels authentically congruent with its 1%  base. The cocoa flavor is bright and strong upfront, and the sweet/salty balance is appropriate and more than adequate to register on the most stoic of palates. I like that it doesn't immediately shoehorn itself into one of the existing lowfat chocolate milk paradigms, but it sets off confidently in its own direction.

Wildowsky Dairy Chocolate Milk

Unique combination of thick and relatively smooth-- its light brown visage is congruent with the light cocoa flavor that manifests more in a malty-vanilla direction for me. The salty-sweet balance is tuned appropriately, but the overall experience leaves me wanting a bit more.

The Mullen Dairy & Creamery Chocolate Banana Milk

Being a lover of innovation and fake banana flavor-- you'd think the confluence of these would be a match made in the heaven that is my lizard brain. It scores definite points for effort and novelty, but ultimately, it drinks like a liquid banana Runt-- not the worst thing by any stretch-- but the chocolate component is too overshadowed to register on the palate. Aesthetics-wise, it resembles something straight from a healthy bile-duct, but don't let that keep you from giving it a try if the above sounds remotely your speed.

Weigel's Chocolate Milk

Straightforward cocoa flavor and salty/sweet balance-- a pleasant drinking experience with a dusting of grit on the back end. There's not much of an aftertaste (be it good or bad)-- so ultimately, it's decent while it lasts, but won't occupy precious brain-harddrive space with its memory.

Boice Bros Dairy Old Fashioned Chocolate Milk

Gorgeous tri-chomatic carton which is great to look at, but less great to taste. Unfortunately, there was a noticeable 'cartony' flavor that was present but not pervasive throughout. It drinks a bit thinner than expected, and bucks the trend of traditionally under-chocolaty and uber-smooth cartoned milks.

Dairy Maid Dairy Double Chocolate Milk

Sweet, chocolaty, and rather soulless beyond that. The cocoa flavor narrowly escapes 'candified' territory, and the base is more reminiscent of 2% than whole, as it washes away fairly quickly and yields to a watery/syrupy sustain rather than a creamy one. It's not bad in a pinch, and kids will like it, but for whole chocolate milk, there are likely better options nearby.

Mayfield Dairy Farms Chocolate Milk

Sweeter and more overtly flavorful than its previous TruMoo port. However, the corn syrup ages poorly both over the course of the sip as well as over the course of the fridge storage. It drinks smoothly, but feels a bit candified-- if you like a syrupy-sweet chocolate milk, give this a try.

O Organics Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Refreshingly under-sweet, yet surprisingly creamy and delicious for 1% lowfat. Chocolate is the focus, and the experience feels forthright and true from initial sip to pensive repose. Strong example of how sweetness should play a supporting (not leading) role.

Weber's Dairy Fresh Chocolate Milk

Quickly flavorful, and leaves you wanting more— both in the sense of a second serving, as well as a desire for a more resolute cocoa flavor and creamier base. Beggars can’t be choosers, and 2% certainly has its limits, but the chasm between ‘good’ and ‘great’ remains formidable.

BYU Creamery Chocolate Milk

Highlighted by a mature, slightly earthy cocoa flavor that remains the focus throughout. There’s a slight astringent quality to the texture that seems to increase your oral cavity’s friction coefficient, though this is remedied by taking further draws, enabling you to postpone the sensation until the pint is exhausted. Points for uniqueness.

Shatto Milk Company Reduced Fat Chocolate Milk

Refreshingly smooth and chocolate-focused— the majority of the ‘flavor-spend’ seems dedicated to its cocoa profile. It could use a bit more support from a cream and salt perspective; I think what calories are ‘saved’ by drinking this instead of its full-fat counterpart are not nearly worth the flavor discrepancy, as Shatto’s whole chocolate milk is worldwide elite.

Woodruff Jersey Farm Chocolate Malt

As with Grace Harbor Farms, I like what I taste here, but just couldn’t get the cream to incorporate, even with super-vigorous shaking and manual stirring (I don’t have a blender). You’re either forced to chew some cream chunks (I’m not opposed) or ignore them and drink a super-thin, cream-deficient junior varsity version of what it could be.