All tagged High Calcium

Fairlife Reduced Fat Cookies N' Creme Milk

Very muted flavor-- has an almost diluted quality to it, and while it's largely unoffensive-- it's far from moving the needle in any positive direction. Initially smooth, it finishes with a chalky, drying lilt and predictably flat aftertaste. I'll concede that the packaging looks cool-- but if it's what's on the inside that counts, this doesn't belong among polite society.

Chobani Reduced Fat Lactose Free Chocolate Milk

Disturbingly thick, decidedly undersweet-- you almost have to chew it to get it down, which is a lot more work than the payoff is worth. I do appreciate the confidence to go low on the sugar, while not supplimenting with another kabuki sweetener. It's unique, and has a hefty protein kick, but the thickness-to-creaminess ratio is dissatisfyingly high, and I'm left with a dry mouth, full gut, and shattered dreams. Ok that's a bit dramatic.

Dorothy Lane Market Chocolate Milk

Excellently warm and buttery with a bright cocoa presence that is somehow both supported by and supporting the cream-- it just works well together. From first sip to the very last, it's consistently rewarding and should satisfy anyone's creamline chocolate milk craving with relative facility and grace.

Snowville Creamery Low Fat A2 Chocolate Milk

Intriguing combination of thin, undersweet, and strongly chocolaty, in a mature sense. It drinks easily, and is very enjoyable despite the obvious lack of a cream presence. It isn't watery, but feels that way physically, but ultimately does more with less-- I'm happy to make my way through a half gallon of this on most days.

Six Star Clean Protein Shake Gourmet Chocolate Milk

Somehow manages to avoid 'face-twisting' territory. The texture is chalky, drying, and heavy, while the flavor is best described as faux-sweetly metallic. You could do a lot worse in this category, but drinking this for pleasure would be an exercise in self-loathing. If you need 32g of protein with minimal caloric baggage, have at it, but don't expect to like it.

Fairlife Protein Chocolate Milk

Lead-like dull flavor, with no semblance of what makes chocolate milk enjoyable-- some sweetness, cocoa, creaminess, etc-- none of those are remotely represented here. There's a mineral-esque, clinical, hold-your-nose-and-take-your-medicine quality to the 'flavor', and an egregiously chalky and drying finish that, as far as I can tell, is an effort to curb that pre-vomit salivation.

Slate Dark Chocolate Milk

Much flatter than its lighter counterpart, the sledgehammer of fake sweetness is significantly mitigated here-- allowing for some actual cocoa flavor to poke through. There's still an issue with the chalky / drying texture here but that's not terribly uncommon among protein-fortified drinks. A clear winner among the Slate portfolio, but still won't compare favorably to even the most average of chocolate milks.

Slate Chocolate Milk

Overpowering faux take-your-medicine-esque sweetness with little relief to follow. You're left with an unnatural aftertaste and drying residue-- no semblance of chocolate or milk to be found. The label recommends you to 'shamelessly chug away'-- and I agree, as you'll want to limit the amount of tastebud contact as best you can.

Clark Farms Creamery Chocolate Milk

Absolute jaw-dropping flavor coming at you from all sides-- chocolaty, sweet, salty, buttery, creamy-- everything is cranked up to the max yet it remains balanced and easily drinkable. I refuse to believe that this is reduced fat (2%)-- it's in elite company even among whole chocolate milks. I could hand this to anyone in the world and be 100% confident that they would enjoy it.

Nestle Nesquik Whole Chocolate Milk

Certainly thicker, creamier, and more cocoa-focused than its standard lofwat cousin, but the texture feels a bit over-emulsified and there's a sweetness that lingers slightly past its curfew. It's a marked improvement and easily the best of the Nesquik lineup, but falls short of most other mass-produced whole chocolate milks in its peer group.

Quest Chocolate Protein Shake

A sludgy, chalky disaster that only gets worse when you put it in your mouth. Sure, it delivers a ton of protein without the calories, at the mere cost of your pleasure and self-respect. It's overly fakey-sweet, with zero salt note to bring a resolution to it. There is at least a noticeable cocoa flavor if you can sift through the other garbage to appreciate it.

Kroger CarbMaster

Searing upfront sweetness that may be a welcome palate assault for the hardcore carb-averse, but for everyone else, this is much more likely to offend than satisfy. The cocoa flavor is strong enough to poke through for a quick cameo, and its fat-starved, artificially-thickened base is less concerning than the sweetener concoction which, un-chased, will continue to devalue your oral real estate.

Premier Protein Chocolate

Sludgy, chalky, and vitamin-y tasting-- this would serve well as a meal replacement as it rather efficiently curbs the appetite. It's not face-twistingly bad, but rather predictable in its fortified flavor and clotted body. You deserve much better regardless of whether you just finished a crossfit workout or a large pizza.

Nesquik Protein Power Chocolate Milk

Funky fortified-esque flavor, not inconsistent with the Nesquik profile, but a departure from what most would consider to be ‘tasty.’ It’s salty upfront, and drying on the back end, and not enjoyable in between. Drink it for the ‘protein’ if you must, but this is strictly for post-recreation, not for recreation itself.

Borden Kid Builder Chocolate Milk

Cloying upfront sweetness, especially for a no sugar added product— where the stevia takes over in the latter half of the sip, steering you into a chemical-esque downward spiral of dread. The texture is less concerning, though it sports an odd lightness, thankfully making it less likely to trigger your gag reflex.