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Sweet Grass Creamery Chocolate Milk

Screams 'quality' from first sip to pensive afterglow-- it's immediately delicious, meticulously cocoa-focused, and devilishly creamy; 4 ingredients arranged in a way that seems to maximize the best parts of what nature and nurture can combine to provide in potable format. Mature cocoa flavor strikes early and often thanks to a lithe Jersey cream that sports my ideal (high) viscosity to (high) creaminess ratio. It's indulgent and desserty, yet accessible enough for an every day drinker. In a word: divine.

Sweet Grass Creamery Mocha Milk

Despite being a lover of chocolate and coffee individually, much of the choco-coffee synergy is unfortunately lost on me. That said, this remains a well-balanced (and well-caffeinated) treat that is worth the caloric opportunity cost. If mocha is your scene, do not pass 'Go' or collect $200, go directly to Sweet Grass Creamery and pick some up.

Terra Firma Farm Creamery Chocolate Milk

Begins and ends with a delicious buttery essence to the cream, which does its job with care and reverence, and could shoulder a fair bit more flavor if asked. The lightly malty flavor that is there plays a supporting role to the cream and results in a uniquely tasty treat that doesn't need to employ gimmicks to be memorable.

Wright's Dairy Farm Chocolate Milk

Very punchy with a bold and unique cocoa flavor and sweetness that feels dialed a few notches past par-- you won't be confused as to what you're drinking here. Texture-wise, it's fully-burdened but easily drinkable with a mildly chalky footprint on the exit.

A. B. Munroe Dairy Chocolate Milk

Well balanced flavor and texture, a solidly rewarding given its 2% reduced fat base. Doesn't look or feel out of place in its attractive glass bottle-- at the very least: a welcome option for those seeking to allocate more of their fat-calorie spend on ice cream rather than chocolate milk.

Elm Farm Milk Chocolate Milk

Slightly less sweet than the 'melted chocolate ice cream' trope, but plenty thick and substantial to serve as a proxy. Tasty going down and doesn't leave you with excess baggage in the aftertaste, it's a well-built, well-rounded, hefty drinking treat.

Wildowsky Dairy Chocolate Milk

Unique combination of thick and relatively smooth-- its light brown visage is congruent with the light cocoa flavor that manifests more in a malty-vanilla direction for me. The salty-sweet balance is tuned appropriately, but the overall experience leaves me wanting a bit more.

Bowl & Basket Lactose Free Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Attractive coffee-brown complexion, but the honeymoon wears thin rather quickly. It's immediately flavorful, which provides a little false hope that the remainder of the experience will follow suit. When the dust settles, your 'sweetness' itch has been adequately scratched, but the other elements (namely cocoa, cream) are largely missing, and foreboding sense of emptiness begins to set in.

Kimberly Farm Chocolate Milk Shake

Every bit as face-meltingly flavorful as you'd expect a 1/2 creamline chocolate milk - 1/2 chocolate ice cream mix to be. If you want to do a tastebud audit-- this will find ALL of them, including a few you probably didn't know you had. It's beefy, densely flavorful, incredibly sweet and chocolaty, and might bring you to an early grave. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Bowl & Basket Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Syrupy-sweet and physically drying on the back end-- not a mouthfeel that dreams are made of. You have to look pretty hard to locate any legitimate cocoa flavor, and you'll likely want to call off the search before anything is found. There are much better options sold by the gallon, including (but not limited to) distilled water.

Cows Around the Corner Chocolate Milk

Punchy choco-malty flavor with a sweet-salty balance deftly in favor of the latter. The creamline body is fully-burdened with flavor and does its job well to guide the experience gracefully through to the aftertaste, leading you back where you started, albeit significantly better off for having taken the trip.

Hastings Farm Chocolate Milk

Deeply flavorful with layers to the experience-- the bright cocoa flavor is leveraged to its full extent by its gorgeous creamline base with a solid homage to its grassy beginnings. In short, this is an absolutely delicious tasting and feeling chocolate milk with an amped-up, unapologetically indulgent spirit. I'm being brief here so I can get back to drinking it.

Oakridge Dairy Chocolate Milk

Heavily creamy-- perhaps not unlike drinking heavy cream-- with a medium-to-malty cocoa flavor and slightly grassy back-end that comes into its own a couple days after the bottle has been opened. Approach slowly and on a relatively empty stomach-- because it won't be empty for long.

Fish Family Farm Chocolate Milk

Unapologetically thick and girthy-- it delivers a disproportionately strong cocoa flavor given its rather fair complexion. Each sip is a meal in itself, so if you came to the farm for ice cream you might be just as satisfied with 8 oz of this instead. Chewing is optional.

Deerfield Farm Chocolate Milk

Warmly creamy in a way that a beautiful non-homogenized Jersey milk can be-- and that base sets the tone for the whole experience which goes from malty cocoa punch to sweet creamy repose-- a circuit you will want to repeat ad infinitum. Or until your tummy hurts-- but it's a good hurt, I promise!