All tagged 5.0

Land O Lakes Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Smooth, lightly chocolaty, unoffensive, rather tolerable. It's saltier than sweet, and otherwise down the middle. Will not cause rapid heartbeat, excitement, depression, lust, anxiety, or any other sensation aside from a burning calm that, if unchecked, can lead to a sunken, empty regret for having played it safe.

Upstate Farms Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Thin, smooth, highly forgettable. This is the paradigm of chocolate milk for so many young and impressionable school children, and it delivers a dead-average (albeit saltier than average) product that establishes mediocrity, possibly setting the children up for future 'minds blown' moments when they discover decent chocolate milk.

Dean's Lowfat Dutch Chocolate Milk

Dead average on so many levels-- certainly identifiable as chocolate milk but aside from a slightly drying finish, there's not much else to point out. It is what you think it is, and if uninspired chocolate milk is your thing, give this your full attention.

Midland Farms Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Not bad for an institutional, low-fat chocolate milk. The amiable texture carries less sweetness, allowing the creaminess and chocolate grab the limelight (which is admittedly rather dim). Slight drying sensation several seconds after the swallow, but I've had much worse in the genre.

Fairlife Chocolate Whole Milk

The same, signature Fairlife twang plugged into a more clotted base. The sweetness is distractingly unnatural and significantly hampers the experience. I get that the nutrition stats are attractive (low sugar, high protein) and it serves that market well, but from a flavor standpoint, it doesn’t quite do whole milk justice.