All tagged 4.5

Lochmead Farms Cafe Moooka

Appropriately thin and smooth, and a significantly stronger coffee flavor than cocoa flavor. The coffee flavor feels legit but is not one that matches up well with my preferences. I would describe it as a sour sweetness, with a fairly watery yet astringent finish.

Nesquik Fudge Brownie Milk

Stronger and I daresay slightly more mature than the typical Nesquik chocolate milk profile, you can easily convince yourself that the 'fudge brownie' flavor is there and not just the old purple-clad 'double chocolate' Nesquik with a suggestive new name. The experience quickly rings hollow, however, since its lowfat milk base isn't capable of deft flavor extension beyond initial tastebud contact. Disturbing that they have to put "made with real milk" on the package-- feels like it's running without being chased-- only inviting more suspicion in the process. 

Mülü Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Sourish cocoa paired with a strong cooked milk flavor-- admittedly not something that sounds immediately enticing. Texture-wise, it's a tad chalky but otherwise unoffensive-- and as a whole, the enjoyment peaks at the mild satisfaction of a few strong pulls off of the straw.

Bowl & Basket Lactose Free Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Attractive coffee-brown complexion, but the honeymoon wears thin rather quickly. It's immediately flavorful, which provides a little false hope that the remainder of the experience will follow suit. When the dust settles, your 'sweetness' itch has been adequately scratched, but the other elements (namely cocoa, cream) are largely missing, and foreboding sense of emptiness begins to set in.

Prairie Farms Lowfat UHT Chocolate Milk

Unremarkable but gets the job done-- it shades on the bland side of the ledger but at least has portability on its side being a shelf-stable product. There's a slight cooked-milk flavor that isn't particularly distracting-- and ultimately it drinks with facility and ends with a mild astringency. Middle of the road.

TruMoo Moo & Improoved Lowfat Chocolate Milk

By definition, this run-of-the-mill nation-wide, mass-produced, low-fat chocolate milk should be a 5.0-- but somehow it feels criminal to call this average. Maybe my tastes and expectations have evolved slightly, maybe it's taken a turn for the worse. That said, it's super-innocuous, lightly sweet, and carries a slightly earthier than usual cocoa flavor that requires some effort to tease out.

Hy-Point Farms Chocolate Milk

Thick, sticky, and sweet beyond its means-- if melted, bland vanilla ice cream is your thing, look no further. The bottle is colored brown perhaps to mask the fact that the 'chocolate' milk inside is several shades lighter, and wouldn't register as chocolate to 9 out of 10 blindfolded tasters (unsubstantiated claim).

Valley View Farms Chocolate Milk Shake

Hefty, and paralyzingly sweet, this concoction is sure to add to your waistline and subtract from your lifetime. The maltiness comes on a bit too strong, but still takes a backseat to the cloying deluge of syrupy sludge that goes from esophagus to pancreas in record time. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Kreider Farms Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Very prominent cocoa flavor that leans ‘earthy’— and very strongly powdery / chalky feel, that leans….’earthy.’ No issues with the taste— it’s also rather salty that curbs any potential aftertaste woes, but the texture feels too thick for its britches, and the residue-laden end state is reminiscent of the fortified protein drink genre.

BYU Creamery Cookies 'n' Cream Milk

Painfully sweet, in a way that marks so many cookies ’n’ cream milks— causing me to postulate that perhaps the two are inseparable, or inevitable. The sweetness lasts well beyond the swallow and devolves to an unwelcome lining that you’ll seek to remedy. Sugar-rush seekers, this may be your calling card— all others, have ice cream instead.

Giant Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Inoffensive, uninteresting, non-essential. Plays like standard low-fat chocolate milk and leaves you with a minor drying sensation after the sip— unless that was induced by lip-smacking in an attempt to locate a flavor that simply wasn’t there.