All in Germany

Muh Schoko Drink

Same as Edeka G&G Schoko Drink: Odd combination of chalky, creamy, and smooth. You have to look fairly hard to notice the cocoa flavor— what is there largely feels inauthentic. Drinkable but far from remarkable.

Baren Marke Kakao

Straight down the middle in a lot of categories, this is a nice, average chocolate milk. Nothing particularly stands out, and the slightly thinner than average viscosity is welcomed. Solid, but ultimately forgettable.

Spar Kakao Drink

The cocoa flavor is prominent and is very much a ‘darker’ chocolate taste, which lends itself to a feeling of lower sweetness and a minuscule sourness (not in a bad way). Only complaint is the grainy texture, but that is a minor gripe considering everything else is above average.

M&Ms Drink

Hard for me to drink— it’s so overly thickened to the point that it is like trying to sip pudding. The taste is not anywhere near the effort, either. Cocoa taste is certainly there, but again, it’s not worth pursuing considering the lack of drinkability and unpleasant feel.