VB#111: Pennsylvania Chocolate Milk (Part 1)

There's so much chocolate milk in PA, that you just have to start somewhere! In this case, a brief visit to Pittsburgh yielded chocolate milk from Turner's Dairy, Schneider's Dairy, Brunton Dairy, Pot O Gold Dairy, and Giant Eagle (not in the video). I later return to PA for a legitimate week-long pilgrimage to get all I can find, which was no simple task. Stay tuned..

VB#107: World Dairy Expo 2018: Best Chocolate Milk in the World?

The prestigious "World's Best Chocolate Milk" is awarded each year as part of the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. I attended the show to assess the chocolate milk situation, as one would expect the World Dairy Expo to exhibit some the world's finest chocolate milk (duh). Frustration ensued, followed by unsolicited (but hopefully constructive) criticism-- all, of course from a chocolate milk-centered vantage point.