Eight weeks in China, 35 chocolate milks in total- including only 4 new (to me) kinds in Beijing after a tireless, week-long search. Blood from a stone.
Eight weeks in China, 35 chocolate milks in total- including only 4 new (to me) kinds in Beijing after a tireless, week-long search. Blood from a stone.
Chocolate milk atop the Great Wall at Mutianyu; a brief respite from the daily grind to do something touristy outside of Beijing.
Eight days until Mongolia, which means seven days to find the last remaining (yet undiscovered) chocolate milk(s) in China. No pressure.
As sunset approaches, a brief recap of the successful week of chocolate milk hunting all throughout Shanghai.
...including (but not limited to): Chinese rubbish carts.
Before leaving for Shanghai, I decided to do a quick tasting of a few (non-chocolate milk) products I acquired during my chocolate milk search in Nanjing.
A quick round-up of the new (to me) chocolate milks I was able to find during a week in Nanjing, China.
A quick round-up of the new (to me) chocolate milks I was able to find during a week in Xi'an, China.
Motion sickness? Questionable train-depot dumplings? Bird flu? Few things warrant a middle-of-the-night squatty-potty visit on a Chinese train..
A pleasant surprise in Yunnan province-- chocolate yak milk! Continuing through China in search of chocolate milk we must leave no stone unturned, no chocolate milk un-swigged.